Lipedema is a common and complex disease whose accurate diagnosis remains elusive in many cases. Diagnostic ascertainment typically relies upon a compatible historical presentation, supported by physical findings. Diagnostic imaging has not always been helpful.
In the current issue of Lymphatic Research and Biology, Prof. Marina Cestari has provided insight into the applicability of three-dimensional ultrasound in this arena. The investigation entailed 40 subjects with lipedema or lipohypertrophy, representing a broad spectrum of stages and clinical patterns of the disease.
This descriptive study provides a first insight into the utility of the diagnostic modality in the tissue characterization of both adipose tissue and the fascial planes within the affected regions, highlighting the distinctive features that aggregate and distinguish lipohypertrophy and lipedema.
Characterization of the distinct biology of lipedema, along with description of appropriately sensitive and specific diagnostic techniques, will aid immeasurably in advancing our ability to care for this common and vexing form of human pathology.


