
Clinical evaluation of patients affected by secondary post-surgical upper limb lymph-oedema provides the research of malignancy signs that induce us to leave patients untreated and to contact the oncologist for further diagnostic investigation.

Secondary post-surgical upper limb lymph-oedema is a chronic, not easily controllable disease, with evolutionary progressive tendency, present in 15-20% of patients who have undergone axillary lymphadenectomy, with an increase of up to 30-35% after radiotherapy, which requires careful clinical-instrumental evaluation for proper staging and subsequent planning of personalised rehabilitative project.
Clinical evaluation consists of the analysis of the overall aspect of the patient and the execution of careful objective examination through which we can evaluate eventual presence of malignancy signs, with subsequent abandonment of the rehabilitative project and referral to the oncologist for specific clinical evaluation.
We consider malignancy signs (isolated or combined):

Obviously, in the case of malignancy signs, it is always necessary to send the patient to their own oncologist for further clinical evaluation; subsequent palliative treatment could possibly give the patient a better quality of life.

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