Dear Prof. Marina Cestari,
on behalf of the International Society of Lymphology, we wish toinvite you to attend and participate at the 29th World Congress of
Lymphology (ISL 2023) on September 11-15, 2023.
Genoa is proud to host this prestigious meeting, bringing together the international lymphology community from all over the world.
We hope that ISL 2023 will once again bring everyone together to share our ideas and more importantly, renew our friendships. The
theme for the meeting is “Bridging the Gap” and you can look forward to an inspiring Scientific Program spanning 5 days consisting
of instructional courses, plenary lectures, expert panel discussions, satellite symposia and free paper sessions.
We would like to invite you to join as a member of the International Scientific Committee of the 29th ISL World Congress of Lymphology.
We would be very pleased if you would participate as Invited Speaker and kindly indicate the title of your presentation referring
the Main Topics of the Congress.
Please share it with us by 14 April 2023 so we can include it in the program.
 You can email it to us at Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..
Best regards,
Corrado Campisi Corradino Campisi
Congress President Congress Honorary Presiden


